IV Therapy Driping
Our five IV therapies have been specially formulated to help to improve wellness, boost energy levels, with hangover recovery and help athletes with energy and muscle growth. So if you need a boost and have run out of energy or simply want to feel better, we can help. We can come to your home or you can come into our clinic. We will be ready to help you to feel like yourself again.
1- Hangover Cure Drip
Nights out on the town are fun and enjoyable for everyone, but what about the next morning? Stop regretting them, we offer a treatment that will help relieve the headache, dehydration and that bad feeling with our sp-cially designed formula. Get back to being yourself in no time.
How does it work?
· B-12 this vitamin administered will help with the formation of red blood cells and help improve mood. There have been studies that show that the loss of B-12 after a night of drinking causes fatigue and dizziness. These are some of the main symptoms of a hangover.
· Magnesium is needed in the body to support muscle and nerve function. Magnesium is used up during the metabolism of alcohol and causes inflammation. The administration of Magnesium will help replenish magn-sium in your body.
· Vitamin C is used for tissue development and repair. Though, it does have many other functions in your body including, the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, wound healing and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth. Alcohol use depletes Vitamin C levels in the body.
· Toradol is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat pain to help with that pounding head fromthose drinks.
· Zofran is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat pain to help with your unbearable headache. Zofran is used to prevent nausea that comes along with the symptoms of excessive drinking.

2- All-Star Athlete Drip
The workout is great, but what about the day after? Leg day can leave you in pain and unhappy. With our All-Star Athlete drip we can make the recovery easier. The added supplements in this IV treatment will help with muscle recovery, increase energy levels and get you ready for your next trip to the gym.
How does it work?
· B-Complex this complex has a variety of different B vitamins including, B1, B2, B3, B5 , B6, B7, B9, and B12. The administration will supply your body with energy, promote the formation of red blood cells and aid in many other important bodily functions.
· B-12 this vitamin will help with the formation of red blood cells and help improve mood.
· Vitamin C is used for tissue development and repair. Though, it does have many other benefits for your body including, the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.
· Magnesium is needed in the body to support muscle and nerve function.
· Amino Acids are one of the most important nutrients for the digestive tract. They also reduce fatigue and im-prove athletic performance such as speed and strength. They can help your body burn fat and carbohydrates for energy and produce new protein. This combination can also help your muscle mitochondria burn fat, which can increase your endurance, give you an edge in the gym, and help you recover faster. Build when you burn.
3- IV Immune Booster Drip
We are all now even more concerned with getting sick after the last couple years. Having a tough immune system is important. This drip will help hydrate and supply you with multiple vitamins that will help you fight off that cold going around.
How does it work?
· B-Complex has a variety of different B vitamins including, B1, B2, B3, B5 , B6, B7, B9, and B12. These will supply your body with energy, promote the formation of red blood cells and many other important functions of the body.
· B-12 this vitamin will help with the formation of red blood cells and help improve mood.
· Vitamin C is used for tissue development and repair. Though, it does have many other functions in your body including, the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.
· Glutathione is an antioxidant produced in cells. It contains three amino acids: glutamine, glycine, and cystei-ne. Glutathione helps boost the immune system and helps ward off colds.

4- Energy Drip
Lack of energy can make you feel terrible. Loads to do and no energy to do it leaves one feeling demotivated. Does your body feel like it just can’t function without high doses of caffeine? Those energy drinks can cause serious damage to your body if consumed too much. We have a safer and healthier opinion for you. Our Energy IV treatment will supply your body with vitamins that will help energize you to get through the day.
How does it work?
· B-Complex this vitamin will help with the formation of red blood cells and help improve mood.
· B-12 this vitamin will help with the formation of red blood cells and help improve mood.
· Vitamin C is used for tissue development and repair. Though, it does have many other functions in your body including, the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, wound healing, and the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.
5- Pre-Hangover Drip
Take control, be prepared – if you are planning a night out book a treatment and avoid that bad hangover all together. This drip will help you hydrate and load you with some vitamins that have been known to help combat that horrible morning after.
How does it work?
· B-Complex has a variety of different B vitamins including, B1, B2, B3, B5 , B6, B7, B9, and B12. These will supply your body with energy, promote the formation of red blood cells and many other important functions of the body.
· Magnesium is needed in the body to support muscle and nerve function. Though and during drinking, mag-nesium is used in the metabolism of alcohol and causes inflammation. Having this in your treatment will help replenish magnesium in your body.

¿Cómo funciona Revive Medellín?
Elije tu paquete
Proporcionamos alivio en un entorno tranquilo, elije el tratamiento que necesite tu cuerpo.
Revisión de salud
Nuestras enfermeras altamente cualificadas revisarán el tratamiento elegido y tu historial médico para garantizar tu seguridad en todo momento.
Un miembro de nuestro equipo médico te administrará la sueroterapia IV y estará presente si tienes alguna pregunta.s.
Esa gran sensación
Puedes empezar a sentir los efectos del tratamiento rápidamente. Prepárate para empezar a sentirte increíble.
Paquete Pre-Hangover $100usd

Sueroterapia, Máscara, masaje de espalda y corte de cabello
Paquete Hangover $80usd

Sueroterapia, Máscara y masaje de espalda